Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Bulls of Bashan ((a prophetic Poem)(by: Dlsiluk))

The Bulls of Bashan

((A prophetic Poem) (Poetic Prose; Revised))

“I am the punishment God has sent you for having committed such great sins!”

The Bulls of Bashan

Part One

Tartarus, home to the Angelic Renegades, the dark abode of torment, torture and agony: given to those who left their first abode, who shed their house from heaven—that heaven gave, for flesh and skin, to cohabitate with earthly women, who gave birth to those Giants of Old, called the Nephilm and Rephaim—in those far-off days, in the time of Noah, whose sons worshiped at the Circle of Rephaim: Stone Heap of the Wildcat! The very ones to be released from Tartarus cast into the end-days ((that everlasting place of woe and darkness; now restraint in chains only to return to get revenge—the angelic renegades) (here they wait, in that pit of darkness with their sons of old—the Bulls of Bashan, and the demonic foe))

Part Two

These giants of old were bold, Greek Titans, partly celestial, partly terrestrial, these were the Nephilim, the Star People—the ghosts, the spirits, the dead ones, the Bulls of Bashan…and the Lord cried: “The Bulls of Bashan…have weighed down my earth…” (says He who speaks in Psalms)

Part Three

“And then I saw the Legs of mud” said Daniel and they were of miry clay—made of dust, and there the world was, without boundaries (Global terrorism)—and I saw also: nuclear proliferation, a cosmic threat, a new world order on the horizon: don’t be surprised, the Nephilim are alive. They, the men of miry clay (the dead that once were of heaven’s abode, the cold ones, are about to return and mix with iron…to no resolve).

Part Four

Like in the days of Noah! (From the roots of Gaza, and those at the Golan Heights: the Nephilim were left to fight…) and now comes again, this beast! And the Trinity cries in Psalms, “The kings of the earth are against us… how silly can they be!” Somehow they aim to throw off the shackles of God—an unpalatable disappointment—

“It is because the Rephaim will not be resurrected,” says Isaiah in those far-off days— “…and so it shall be in those days, as it was in the days of Noah!” (From the roots of Gaza, and those at the Golan Heights: the Nephilim will come to fight.)

“So shall the end-days be…” reiterates Jesus. What on earth did He mean? The return of the Angelic Renegades: look into the window of illumination, the window of life, the hologram: that was, and will be, the three dimensional map for us earthly beings, the “B’nai Elohim’ this hard cold bred of angelic beings, the Nephilim—are on the rim of the earth ready to integrate—the world at large.

And the Lord cries out in the illumination: “Man appointed mortal sorrow; but the blessed God shall come down, teaching and shall the despair rest and be comforted.” So do not fear, but pray, and pray hard.

Part Five

And there shall be no order out of chaos. And God does not need America to protect Israel, and the New World Order becomes restless, and that means no more Jesus, and that means, Obama, and Moscow, and Iran, and Jerusalem, and the yoke of the White House becomes thin: do not be angry with Obama, an instrument of God— to initiate his plight. Says Nostradamus: Obama “he is in prophecy—you see, the Last King of the South to be: the Great Power, who came from the dark side of slavery.” As people were drawn to Hitler, so they will be drawn to Him, “…but be aware of the power given the Dark One:” says Nostradamus—the Antichrist is near…!

He is possessed by those hierarchical spirits which can descend into any ordinary mortal—a common fleshy unsanctified man. Says Timothy: “In the last days there will be very different times for people will love only themselves…money. They will be boastful and proud, and scoffing at God…ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred…unloving and unforgiving…they will betray their own friends…are puffed with pride…stay away from people like that! They are the kind…they have depraved minds and a counterfeit faith…”

Thus, the leopard comes up out of the sea ((Obama) (USA)) last king of the south. He will provoke Russia, WWIII; look in the Book of Revelation, Chapter Thirteen.

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea…the name was blasphemy” (the rise of the Antichrist) and all I could remember, and I smiled remembering “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

Notes: references: Jude 6; 2 Cor. 5:2; Josephus Flavius; 2 Peter 2. 4, 5, Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs; Traditional Rabbinical Literature; Psalms 22; Revelation 11; Psalms 2:1-3 (The Trinity); Reference to angelic beings “B’nai Elohim”; the Septuagint (written by 70-scholers, in Alexander, Egypt, 15-years to write, Old Testament into Greek Language (see: Genesis 6:1-2 Bene HaElohim “Sons of God” referring to angels, the fallen ones the Nephilim, born of the earth, and the hybrids, their offspring); 1 John 11 and 12; Job 1:6; Luke 20; Obama reference to Revelation 12:1; Tartarus, in Greek means hell, a dark abode of woe. Poem No: 2772 (Written 8-8-2010)

The Man with the Cross (poem)

The Man with the Cross
((By Dennis L. Siluk, Ed.D; Poet Laureate) (Written after returning from Jerusalem))

The Author carrying the Cross in Jerusalem

Bowed by the weight of a wooden cross he leans:
Upon man’s sins, he raises, gazes to the heavens,
The fullness of the ages upon his shape,
And on his shoulders, the load of the world
They gave him dejection, despair and gloom
He gave them new hope, rapture and life.
The God incarnate, that grieved and always hoped,
There he hung, stunned the world, savoir to all!
Who undone and pulled down the old brutal law!
Whose hand that was that slanted back man’s brow!
Now, His breath blew out the old candle His Adversary had lit.

Is this the Man-God, Lord Saviour, who made and gave?
Who has dominion over land and sea (the whole world?)
Who was and is, and always will be, the Eternal Deity!
Who made the stars, and searches the heavens,
And holds all life within his palms?
Are we the creatures he dreamed, to shape his universe?
The ones who marched forward, in ancient days?
Who have dug so deep to reach the roots of Hell, and its gulf?
There is no time, more terrible than this: the same
As in the days of Noah! So I believe—
More tainted with disasters, lust and diseases,
Yet still filled with cries contaminated eyes of greed
More tarnished decaying souls—
Like those in the days of Sodom and Gomorra
More packed with fear and danger, hearts dry and cold.

What resides between Man and the living God?
Lord and Savoir of the world, what is he to Him?
And Darwin, Satan’s wheel to swing man’s mind
Such long reaches, peaks near heaven,
The curse of man, the wilting of the rose!
And so the dying shape of the world looks on;
Man’s tragedy is in that bowed stoop:
Yet humanity dreadfully still betrays,
Plunders, and desecrates, and disinherits himself
Protests to the God that made him and the world,
A dispute that lingers in divination…

Oh peoples, politicians, presidents in all domains,
Is this all you have to offer God?
This earth you’ve distorted, hearts deadened!
How will you ever stand before him?
Look into his immortality, at his divinity;
How can he look upon you with light?
Rebuild in you the composition and his dream?
Make right your blasphemous, and infamies,
Disloyal anguish, your unresponsiveness?

Aye, peoples, and rules of the world,
How do you deem your future with this Lord of Lord?
How will you answer his questions in that hour?
When you will have no recourse, to turn about
No longer time to rebel and shake the earth!
How will it be with all those watching you
With those who cast you, to whom you are—
With this silly resistance, before Judge and King;
And then, then comes the silence of the eternities?

No: 2779 (8-21-2010)
Dedicated to Man, and God (or Lord)